Fuck Off? Reading for the hUtub or in a broken down SueBAHrue, a WeBlog or seti@home

Sunday, March 07, 2004

you are all assholes, and full of shit, yuno-y? Tinkler has had 3 times as many new pairs of shoes and skateboards during the time he's been owing me this two grand... fuck you tinkler, why are there holes in my shoes and not in yours.....fuck..... and viv speaking of small amounts of alcohol: the last beer and a half i never finish from my forty before we go out, i end up splitting with at least three people... you can fuck off too.

you know what is MEAN assholes... stealing off your best friend after he's given your everything he could afford... whats better is stealing from your friend and acting like a grumpy baby because you know you are too much of an asshole to even be nice to me... i mean then you'd have to admit to yourself.... yah the mean one is me.... wow viv explain to me how i worked like twenty shifts in row so tinkler couldn't pay me back... go fuck yourself.... wow i had a nervous breakdown... thanks for forgetting tinkler... FUCK YOU. i never asked for cash i asked to be treated like a human being... i never asked for my drink powder back and you know it. what you weren't drunk enough?, shame. i hope the extra 20ml of alcohol you got not sharing with me did something, you fucking cunts.

tinkler you know perfectly well what you've been up to, so go fuck yourself.


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