Fuck Off? Reading for the hUtub or in a broken down SueBAHrue, a WeBlog or seti@home

Sunday, March 07, 2004

there is only camaraderie between thieves ... remember that viv, remember that jazz even... have fun with him... hopefully me laying his cards on the table will be enough to keep him from quitting in a week .... enjoy the bullshit while it lasts because it leaves an awful taste in your mouth when it’s gone. it is time for me to do things fo me fo once.

the only thing ever wrong with me was thinking there was.
the thing that is wrong with you is that you know... you know that’s the only thing wrong with me so you try and make it as big as you can instead of making that feeling of wanting me to feel worse smaller. why don’t you add up the hours I’ve wasted ruining you making you lazier, working like a dog making myself even smaller...the difference between me and you is that I say it.. I say hey tinkler... I obviously was dependent on your validation so you can’t keep coming around and saying your hungry, because even though I knew thoroughly that you would be eating properly before me... I still shared half of what I owned with you.... forget it tinkler... come to me when you are willing to see yourself as my equal. (oh god which way did he mean that?.... both)


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