Fuck Off? Reading for the hUtub or in a broken down SueBAHrue, a WeBlog or seti@home

Sunday, March 07, 2004

well i'm not pissed anymore cuz i realized i will have money saved soon what with cutting you off from everything so i don't even care tinkler. with friends like you, who needs em, phffft... this is going to make things easier, it will be much more fun to give things to people who need them, in order to do so, i'm going to have to remain more objective thus lenore... ban people, i'm really sick to death of all this bullshit. i have no friends, i'm going to keep things more strictly to an; it makes me happy, it makes me feel shitty basis, tinkler you have always gone out of your way to make me feel shitty... thank you, that was just far enough for me to realize.... i don't care about you tinkler, not anymore, not after everything, i can put up with a lazy child, not an asshole. I just don't like you at all anymore and i'm not ashamed to finally say i was wrong to everyone that told me the entire time i knew you to watch it, i've got it now, i was wrong, you aren't a good guy scared to get a job and such, scared to grow up, you are a jerk, i'll never get anything but more and more problems. well i was a pretty good start to screwing people over wasn't i, once it gets to be more than you think you can ever repay, you become resentful, i understand, and i don't care, not realizing this and just stopping, that's what makes you an asshole. not just dealing with the shit circles you make in everyone's crops, that is what will make you like your sister.


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